Tricia's enthusiastic coaching, spot-on expert modeling, and scientific explanations of what's going on inspires my dedicated practice of the session's new myofunctional exercises that are often incredibly difficult at first. My new tongue rest position, jawbone expansion, defined facial features, and improved breathing and swallowing are life enhancers and worth it!
Jennifer S., Bettendorf, IA
My daughter had been in speech therapy at school since she was 4. She was shy and did not want to take part in plays or activities that would require her to speak in front of people. By the time she was 10 her progress in speech had stalled, and that is when her orthodontist referred her to Trish. Trish identified a tongue and lip tie, and recommended that they be released and follow-up with therapy. Within 2 months she was sleeping through the night, something she had never done before. At 6 months, she had a speaking part in the Christmas pageant. Trish has done an amazing job of motivating and encouraging my daughter while holding her accountable for her part in her own therapy (doing her exercises). Seeing Trish has made a positive impact on my daughter’s mood and confidence, as well as speech.
Shannon M., Coal Valley, IL
Tricia is absolutely wonderful to work with and incredibly knowledgeable. She has solved my life long jaw problems. I couldn't recommend her enough!
Katie P., Bettendorf, IA
Before you get a CPAP, I would highly recommend that you schedule a consultation with My Myo Works! I tried so many things and even had surgery to avoid having to use a CPAP. Nothing worked but Myo! I now sleep and feel better than I have in years. Tricia is very knowledgeable. If you think you have sleep apnea, please make an appointment!!
Danielle S., Port Byron,
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